anusha's blog 

Our patriarchal society.

Boys become men, and men become stubborn. They insist on carrying all the burdens by themselves when they can easily share them with their women and daughters.

We are all victims of this patriarchal society.

Patriarchy’s defining elements are that it is male dominated, male identified, and male centered.

A patriarchal society is concerned with:

Social life and how it is supposed to be

What is expected of people

Standards of feminine beauty that is expected

Masculine toughness that is expected

Images of feminine vulnerability and masculine protectiveness

Defining men and women as opposites

Valuing masculinity and devaluing femininity

The system we’re fighting is intrinsically flawed, fighting the patriarchy is not just hating men it’s working to rid society of harmful norms that negatively affect all genders.

Even enlightened people sometimes come with the most surprising answers if you ask them about gender equality. Like ‘men and women are not the same’. Or ‘they can get equity but they are not equal.’ Apart from being vague answers, they are also proof of ignorance. And show exactly why we need to expose gender inequality and patriarchism.

Gender norms

Men cannot cry, women must look pretty.

Gender roles are based on society's understanding of femininity and masculinity, or the combined attributes deemed natural to women and men. Gender roles are closely related to gender stereotypes, or generalizations about how an individual is or should be based on the individual's gender.

Traditionally, for men to be masculine, they are expected to display attributes such as strength, power, violence, winning, emotional control, power over women, dominance, playboy, self-reliance, primacy of work, and pursuit of status, and competitiveness, and less openly display emotion and affection especially toward other men. 

Women are expected to be helpful, generous and supportive to men in their life, be they a male boss or coworker, father, brother, husband, boyfriend, or other male acquaintance.

How would you Dismantle Patriarchy?

Patriarchy is a system of power whereby masculinity and men are marked as inherently more worthy than femininity and women. This puts men on top, giving them more access to power, resources, and even knowledge. It tells women that they deserve less: less money, less freedom, less strength. And it erases people who don’t ascribe to traditional gender roles, too often with violence.

Share the housework, problems and properties equally

Talk about periods, sex and sexuality openly

Watch feminist movies together, avoid the sexist ones

Parenting responsibility should be shared by both parents

Encourage your parents to identify the ways they have been oppressed and that it is time to change.


